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Chapter 8 Chevron Kits designed specifically for Citroen models of cars and vans including Citroen Berlingo Chevron Kits, Citroen Relay Chevron kits, Citroen Dispach Chevron Kits & Citroen Nemo Chevron Kits.
Our Chapter 8 vehicle Chevron kit consists of non-reflective luminous yellow vinyl and either engineering grade reflective or prismatic retro-reflective red material. Other colour combinations are available by calling or emailing us. We only use the highest quality materials from 3M and Avery Denison and all of our diamond grade Chevron Kits are ultrasonically sealed to prevent water ingress.
All chevron kits are supplied in an either planked or flooded layout with the panels numbered for ease of application. Replacement panels are available by calling us if any part of the chevron kit is accidentally damaged.